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Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023

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Landscape painter
Germany late 18th C.
Rural scene on the idyllic Rhine.
Oil on canvas, relined. Unsigned.
H 57, W 76 cm (support). Framed.
The poetically staged river landscape shows in the foreground the rural life at the bank: a mother returning from doing the laundry at the river with her child, who turns to a dog and would like to stay a little longer, fishermen loading a barge or even smugglers (?), a donkey rider and people at leisure. While a threatening-looking rocky slope frames the scene on the left, the view opens up in the middle and background to an idyllic village and the wide Rhine landscape. The depiction is typical of the late 18th Century.
Provenance: private collection Achern.

Condition report  


post-auction sale
(starting price: 700,- EUR)

In the post-auction sale save for reserve price to the notepad:
700,- EUR